Sunday, March 30, 2008

Life Lines: Week 1

How would you finish this sentence: "A Christian is someone who…" This first installment of a new series explores the New Testament book of 1 John in a series entitled ,"LIFE LINES" to discover what God considers as evidence a person is a true follower of Christ.

by Pastor Val Chappell

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Journey to the Cross

The Cross and the Empty Tomb changed everything for humanity. There have never been more pivotal events of love and hope throughout history. This Easter we take a journey together through narration and song to the cross and ultimately to the empty tomb. Don’t miss this opportunity to take this journey for the first time or to be refreshed by taking it again.

by Pastor Val Chappell

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Seeing and Serving

Part of living life in light of the Gospel is to live a life of compassion. This sermon examines Christ's example of living a life of compassion and how that translates for those who claim to be his followers today.

by Pastor Val Chappell

Sunday, March 2, 2008

J.O.Y – Jesus First, Others Second, You Last

Christians have been given the amazing treasure of the gospel to carry around in these “clay pots” called bodies as the apostle Paul relates in 2 Corinthians 4. If we are to steward well this great gift of the gospel that we have been given then our priorities will need to be J.O.Y – Jesus first, others second, you last.

by Pastor Val Chappell